Jumat, 21 September 2012

Greyson Chance's Quotes

"A Purple Sky is different, but it's still beautiful in its own ways and in an incredible way"

 "If they break your heart, you break their bones" *SO SWEET

"I'm not gonna date anyone since i'm married to my fans"

"I had no idea how much my life would change after meeting with Ellen"

Just go there is completely bonkers! That i get to play music - That's something else"

"Sometimes things happen that you never thought would. Sometimes you're just blessed"

"Don't let anyone put you down or tell you that you can't do it"

 "Enchancers are my pride, i do everything for them"

"Don't have Valentine this year, but all of you guys are mine"

"This is my dream and i'm living it"

 "If i could be a superhero, i would be Superman. He can fly, he is strong... even though i'm not that strong"

"No matter what happens, always be yourself"

 "Go for today, don't worry about the future, it'll come eventually"

"It's hard but it's not too much of a challenge because i'm doing what i love"

"ll that i'm concerned about is that my fans understand & that they like the music"

"My fans are all my girlfriends"

"I'm married to my fans. I Love you all"

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